Yoga Teacher, Sound Practitioner

Cherry has been teaching yoga full time for the past 7 years.
She began her movement journey as a child gymnast and surfer, and has found movement an essential part of life. Cherry completed her 200hr Yoga Teacher Training and never looked back. She continued another 300+ hours with Body Mind Life in Sydney, and engaged in a 200hr Meditation Teacher Training with Charlie Knowles from Mind Body Green. She found a wonderful mentor in Mandy Kopcho, owner of Power Living, and through her tutelage became the confident teacher she is today.
Cherry teaches a strong vinyasa class, encouraging strength, conditioning, and flow, with a focus on inversions and transitional movement. Her Yin Yoga classes incorporate meditation and mindfulness for openness on both mental and physical planes. At Bodyscape, you’ll see Cherry all throughout the week. You won’t miss Cherry’s divine voice and mantra in her classes, in particular during Sound Healing on Thursday nights.