Designed with your people in mind

Bring Wellness to You
Contact Bodyscape to discuss your company’s goals and expectations, so we can better understand what it is you need. You can then schedule sessions to fit your budget and work schedule, at your desired frequency. We offer an 8-12 week program, with 30-60 minute sessions, any time of the day! Once scheduled, clear a space for the session (for example, an empty room), and spread the word! Let employees know about this amazing benefit and how they can share in the benefit of a healthier, happier workplace.
Enquire now View our Complaints Handling PolicyHow It Works
A handpicked instructor comes to your office, with everything you need to get started. Our sessions are specifically designed to encourage mental clarity as well as alleviate symptoms that occur from sitting. Your employees walk away feeling refreshed and recharged, boosting productivity and efficiency. In turn, this efficiency stimulates business and promotes success, as well as fostering a healthy workplace for all.
Enquire now View Our Guide for Office Managers